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Ain't Nothin' Civil 'Bout A Civil War - Copyright January 6, 2021 - ANO Publishing, LLC - All Rights Reserved

Ain't nothin' civil
'Bout a civil war
Surely when a criminal
Is it's flamin' source

Your tresspassin' in your red hats
And your burnin' signs
To disrupt the power
Echoin' your leaders mind

Ain't nothin' right
When all the world gone wrong
Corrupted politicians
And cults singin' their songs

Ain't nothin' more true
In this brand new world
That we gotta come together
Or die in a hate swirl

Cause there's nothin' civil
Bout a civil war
No no no
Nothin' more evil
Attack the mamed and poor
Nothin' more coward
Than the man who screams
All lies and hatred
Killin' America's dreams

Ain't nothin' civil
Bout a civil war
An avalanche of hatred
Full of lies and scorn

Ain't nothin' right
When all the right has gone wrong
A far cry from freedom
Already half long gone

They take away our rights
They take away our bond
They take away kinship
You know we all been conned

With psycholigical warfare
They poundin' in our brains
Keep us runnin' scared
Dragged behind the crazy train

Cause there's nothin' civil
Bout a civil war
No no no
Nothin' more evil
Than violate oath sworn
What we gonna do
To force their ejection
The way they rule the people
They ignore our objections

Ain't nothin' civil
Bout a civil war
A grab and cling for power
They care for nothin' more

Ain't nothin' right
If you let this kind
Attack leaders and walk
You've surely lost your minds

You been suckin' on lies
Your pacifiers gone dry
Flaccid and limp
Like your polluted mind

And if a war we must
Well then a war we will
And in the peoples trust
It will be your blood spilled

Cause there's nothin' civil
Bout a civil war
No no no
Nothin' more evil
Tell me what you fightin' for
Nothin' so wrong
On this side of divine
Than tryin' to kill your own people
An ugly sign of the times
You wanna' kill our people
'Cause of a difference of minds
Led to slaughter like sheeple
By politicians crimes
Your all so special
And I'm not sure why
Somebody stoked the flames
Stand back and stand by