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(Click here for "Ain't Nothin' Civil 'Bout A Civil War")
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Protect & Serve - Copyright June 14, 2020 - ANO Publishing, LLC - All Rights Reserved

May I
Shine your boots dear officer
With sycophant saliva

I got my papers
In triplicate here
Showin' my whole life'a

Even though I'm a citizen
You always win
Can we stop the game now

Protect and serve
Is what we deserve instead of
Pepper spray kowtows

Shouldn't need to be
Protected from blue

Shouldn't mean we are
A slave to those who

Wear a badge in our name
With military rage
Riot Geared rubber bullet hate brigades

Shouldn't have to be
Protected from blue

Shouldn't mean we are
A slave to those who

Gettin' paid to be here on our side
But the joke is on us
The people they divide

Would you
Like a doughnut dear officer
I know you workin' so hard

The tasty treat
Is boiled in the heat
Of greasy slippery pig lard

But with the sugar on top
At one you can't stop
Is like heaven tasting

Hope you don't
Have to put your sugar rush down
For a chokehold bracing

Shouldn't need to be
Protected from blue

Shouldn't mean we are
A slave to those who

Shoot a woman in her home
Say they were scared
Wonder why they took job if their head is there

Shouldn't need to be
Protected from blue

Shouldn't mean we are
A slave to those who

Gettin' paid to save us from criminals
But they've become the ones
We need savin' from

At the academy
You heard about
Your LEO protections

They said the blue line
Is never crossed
There'll be no objections

So use your power hard
On the boulevard
We got it all on camera

Still you walk away
Each and every day you got
Judicial power stamina

Shouldn't have to be
Protected from blue

Shouldn't mean we are
A slave to those who

Say the bad apple is the other guy
But if you don't say shit
You got no alibi

Shouldn't have to be
Protected from blue

Shouldn't mean we are
A slave to those who

Sit in robes and wigs
On their comfy chairs
Lettin' cops lie about the whole affair

Shouldn't have to be
Protected from blue

Shouldn't mean we are
A slave to those who

Shouldn't have to be
Protected from blue

Isn't just a word
You say you mean to

Shouldn't have to be
Protected from blue

Shouldn't mean we are
A slave to those who
