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trump TREASON - Copyright August 09, 2020 - ANO Publishing, LLC - All Rights Reserved

20,000 lies
Hundred thousands die
By lies of trump Treason

4 whole years
Of racist bigot smears
The smears of trump Treason

25 women say
He no fair play
He plays by trump Treason

Gotta find a way
To end this disgrace
End the trump Treason

Under trump Treason
A dozen seasons
Find no reason
For his excretions
Under trump Treason
We got a lesion
Strippin' our freedoms
Soul depletion

Orange is the color of
The devil this year
Parading trump Treason

Mark of the beast
Every time he speaks
The words of trump Treason

Horns on head pokin' out
Like a child he pouts
Poor little trump Treason

Send him back to hell
On a demon carousel
The demon trump Treason

He a heathen stealin'
All of our freedoms
Only thing we can call it
Call it trump Treason

The loser with the brain farts
Make the air smell tart
Smells like a trump Treason

Traitor in the rose garden
Makin' dirt look modern
The dirt of trump Treason

Many courts ignore
Rather than enforce
The laws on trump's Treasons

But someday somehow
He'll meet his maker and bow
He'll pay for trump's Treason

Under trump Treason
A dozen seasons
Find no reason
For his excretions
Under trump Treason
We got a lesion
Strippin' our freedoms
Sense deletion

Claims he could shoot a man
Middle of 5th Ave
He brags of trump Treason

Laughs about the pussy grab
Christians miss that stab
A stab to trump Treason

Cripplin' the postman
To steal an election
It's blatant trump Treason

Lettin' Putin pay for
Killin' ours in uniform
He's a traitor trump Treason

Under trump Treason
A dozen seasons
Find no reason
For his excretions
Under trump Treason
We got a lesion
Strippin' our freedoms
The country weakens

All you closet racists
Who think this pig is the shit
Your part of trump's Treason

Crawlin' out the woodwork
With "I told you" kinda smerks
Your greasin' trump's Treason

Votin' for a con man
Is that some kind of freedom stand
Supportin' trump's Treason

Think about your next step
Or under carpet you'll be swept
The trash of trump's Treason

He a heathen stealin
All of your freedoms
Only thing you can call it
Call it trump Treason

Half the politicians
Cowering in fear
Their bleedin' trump Treason

His turtle bitch Mitch
Lickin' mushroom dick
He's suckin' trump's Treasons

Hate and fear swerve
Before truth gets heard
It's drivin' trump's Treasons

Freedom of the press
Is on a precipice
A VICTIM of trump's Treasons

Under trump Treason
A dozen seasons
Find no reason
For his excretions
Under trump Treason
We got a lesion
Strippin' our freedoms
A leader we need one

The psycho babble game
Got to end this day
End the trump Treason

Kick him to the curb
Prosecute his words
The words of trump Treason

Hold him to account
For his bloody body count
The deaths by trump Treason

Write the history
That the future will see
The tale of trump's Treason

He a heathen stealin
All of our freedoms
Only thing I can call it
Call it trump Treason
A heathen stealin
Freedoms and dreams and
Only thing you can call it
Call it trump Treason
Only thing we can call it
Call it trump Treason
Only thing she can call it
Call it trump Treason
Only thing he can call it
Call it trump Treason
Gotta' call it what it is
Call it trump Treason