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Jingle Hell Copyright December 16, 2020 - ANO Publishing, LLC - All Rights Reserved

Smashing through the woes
Of the messed up covid days
For vaccines we go
How much will we pay

Hey hey hey

Sales the Pfizers ring
Making dollars might
What ammunition will you bring
To keep us safe tonight


Jingle hell
Virus swells
Santa killed an elf

For sitting
On somebody's shelf

Jingle hell
Virus swells
Santa killed an elf

For sitting
Protection free
On somebody's shelf

Struggles far and wide
No relief in site
Politicians bicker bout
Our money in spite

Fight fight fight

Of their taken oaths
To protect our kind
Corporations tell them what
To do and they don't mind


Jingle hell
Virus swells
Santa killed an elf

For sitting
Gay mask free
On somebody's shelf

Jingle hell
Virus swells
Santa killed an elf

For sitting
Protection free
On somebody's shelf

It's time to make a stand
Stop the love divide
If we do I'm telling you
We can turn the tide

Hi hi hi

Toward a world of grace
It's not that hard to do
Simply put your hate aside
And show compassion true


Jingle hell
Virus swells
Santa killed an elf

For sitting
Gay mask free
On somebody's shelf

Jingle hell
Virus swells
Santa killed an elf

For sitting
Protection free
On somebody's shelf

(SANTA VOICE) Ho Ho Ho! I told you to wear a MASK!