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Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies - Copyright September 16, 2020 - ANO Publishing, LLC - All Rights Reserved

How many times
Do we hear the lies
Each andnd every single day
Hittin' us on all sides

Where they comin from
What they tryin to do
When they gonna stop this
Why not try the truth

It's cuz algorithms learning
How to lie to you
To make you feel just like
The powers want you to

The new ball & chain
Keepin' us in line
While we dig our own graves
Cuz we didn't recognize

All of the

Lies Lies Lies Lies
99% of what's in front of our eyes
Lies Lies Lies Lies
If ya' lookin for the truth you be lookin long time

Lies Lies Lies Lies
99% of what's in front of our eyes
Lies Lies Lies Lies
If ya' lookin for the truth you be lookin long time

How many more years
We gonna let it slide
Corporate & government
They be livin' inside

An ugly sticky buble
Covered with their own slime
Oozin' false words
About the reasons why

You can't do this
And you gotta' buy that
Health care costs up
As the country gets fat

But you can't kill yourself
Until our moneys made
We wanna kill you ever so slowly
With our product parade

And all of our

Lies Lies Lies Lies
99% of what's in front of our eyes
Lies Lies Lies Lies
If ya' lookin for the truth you be lookin long time

Lies Lies Lies Lies
99% of what's in front of our eyes
Lies Lies Lies Lies
If ya' lookin for the truth you be lookin long time

So you think Repub or Dem
Is the way to be
They've convinced you of
The coming raging sea

If the other side wins
Apocalypse begins
But it's already here
You best learn to swim

Cause the waves are gettin' bigger
On both the left and right
And when they crash in the middle
We all be victims in the fight

A fight for nothin' more than
What I'm talkin' bout here
A fight between ourselves
Due to installed fears

With all of the

Lies Lies Lies Lies
99% of what's in front of our eyes
Lies Lies Lies Lies
If ya' lookin for the truth you be lookin long time

Lies Lies Lies Lies
99% of what's in front of our eyes
Lies Lies Lies Lies
If ya' lookin for the truth you be lookin long time

Lies Lies Lies Lies
99% of what's in front of our eyes
Lies Lies Lies Lies
If ya' lookin for the truth you be lookin long time

If ya' lookin for the truth you be lookin long time
If ya' lookin for the truth you be lookin long time
If ya' lookin for the truth you be lookin long time
If ya' lookin for the truth you be lookin long time